Best code editor for PHP - Code Lite - Conount-blogger tips,Marketing, Web Design, Computer Hardware and Network, Business and Finance.

Best code editor for PHP - Code Lite

a few days back I started a new PHP Project call "order now " so before starting my project I did a reached about what is the best code editor for my project. it takes a few days .i like to share my experience with you. ok, let's dig in.!!!!!!! 

Code lite is the best solution for my project .it has very charming features. withing these features I can recommend to everyone use this .let's see what are the feature that code lite has?

1) it's free 

You can download it without pay any single dollar with so many features. (to download Code lite Click the Download Button).

2) no need  Supper Computer

most code editors need high hardware spec to work. but code lite need minimum hardware spec.

3) A good teacher

code lite has a good feature. it shows full details and errors about the PHP code. I think it's a big opportunity for beginners.

4) Simple Interface with simple installation

code lite has a very simple interface so no need rocket science knowledge to manage and installed code lite. 

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