hi, how are you? Today we are going to review a web site called "computer hope" .this is a very interesting page because it helps to find the meaning of the words and explanation about those words using in IT industry. The big advantage is it's very easy to understand. So many People are Using this web site like students, teachers.....as a learner I like this page very much. because it has clean and easy to understand interface.I recommend this website instead of the Wikipedia website for anyone who likes to discover computer words.
History of this Web SIte
Computer Hope went online 2 November 1998 as a reference for basic computer information and help.
In March 2001 Computer Hope was included in PC World Sixth Annual Best Free Stuff on the Web. Its growth continued to the point that in 2002 they received over two million unique visitors and over eighteen million hits and as of January 3, 2009, is the number one result when searching for the phrase "computer help" on the Google search engine.
In March 2009 Computer Hope was mentioned on the BBC Webscape show.
In August 2009, Computer Hope was included/mentioned in the Today show. Also during August 2009, ComputerHope was mentioned and had an article in Reader's Digest's article about Reader's Digest Fix Computers, Cars and Appliances for Free article
Click here to visit the Computerhope.com